Sunday, January 22, 2012

Importance of the Order of the Elder Futhark

To the beginner would be runester, the vitki first studies passive, esoteric knowledge of the runes and their meanings. Once a natural intuitive understanding is attained many people are first attracted to the divinatory uses of the runes.

To a shaman or wizard this is only the first step. Those wishing to go beyond the practical mundane use of runes for conducting a reading of current situations (divination) are encouraged to go deeper.

In divination the runes are treated as something outside of ourselves. Although we are internally connected to the rune stones, they are more like gateways to realms outside of us. In shamanic energy work or ritual magic, the wizard must become the runes.

You are the runes! The runic energies and vibrations exist inside of you. To a wizard the world is understood as a projection of our inner creations (usually subconscious).

When one starts invoking the power of the runes themselves the specific order of the runes becomes extremely important. Our ancestors did not choose these orders by accident. Odin revealed them to us in the order that was necessary for our evolution.

One need only study the three aettir of the runes and their differences in theme. Not only are the runes of the elder futhark broke down into 3 groups of 8 but each of these groups have a different general purpose to them.

The first eight from fehu to wunjo deal with aspects of the physical plane of existence. Ones needs wealth  (F),strength (U) and protection (TH) from unconscious forces (Thurses)  in order to have consciousness (A) used with purpose (R) to gain knowledge (K) and through giving and receiving (G) attain joy and harmony with the world and society (W).

Going into further detail about the rest of the runes is beyond the scope of this article. For now I will just say that the second aettir from Hagalaz to Sowilo deal with the psychological realms of emotions and thinking. The third eight deals with spiritual matters.

Example of runic orders in action

Uruz -> Thurisaz -> Ansuz

Uruz is a powerful rune for tapping into physical power. It can also make you feel healthy when you are feeling down. For the purpose of this lesson let us assume you are doing an Uruz walking meditation.

As you walk down the sidewalk you feel an intense vibration of Uruz coursing through your being. People stare at you as you strut down the street with power but you do not care. Each step you take is in sync with your heartbeat. Soon, your mind is quieted and thoughts are no longer interrupting your being, but something else happens.

At the edge of your awareness you feel a pre-conscious impulse almost as if a thought or feeling is about to happen. Recognizing these unconscious and destructive forces you turn UUUUUUUURUZ into the THTHTHTH of Thurisaz. The impulse subsides and you either:
A) safely return back to Uruz, or
B) attain true clear awareness. Instinctively you say AHHHH!

This is the pure strength of uruz allowing conscious awareness through the help of Thunor (Thorr) and the defensive authority of Thurisaz (Thorn, or Thorr's hammer). There is an ancient bind rune of sorcerers called UR-AS which combines primal uruz with ansuz but clearly we can see just why TH appears between them.

The order of the runes is a key concept in understanding the entire pattern as a whole.

Runic Opposites Are Also Keys

Ansuz <-> Sowilo

If you study a rune wheel you will notice that each rune has its opposite across the circle. Many years ago my spirit guides kept whispering SSSSSSSSSS whenever I found myself getting lost in thought. Every time I find myself making the SSSSS sound (or if I hear it) I immediately remember its opposite and once again attain pure undistracted awareness of the moment.

I highly encourage runesters to meditate on their favorite rune's opposites.

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