To get what you want in your universe requires more than just simply asking God for it. Many people who want to pursuit a magical practice end up being disappointed when their efforts do not produce results. This is due to a key misunderstanding surrounding the practice of ritual, prayer or magic. Most people in our current society have lost their connection to nature and to the spiritual realms.
The major religions of the world would have you put all your faith in their external god, relying on interpretations of priests, while denying you the knowledge that your internal energy is also required. The Teutonic peoples of Pre-Christian times understood that their are 5 main elemental powers. One need only study Taoism or the Vedas or numerous other unbroken traditions of the world for confirmation of these scientific phenomenon.

The 5 Elements of the Teutonic Tradition
The universe is manifested through five main forms of energies. Understanding the nature of these energies is the first step to balancing them within the Self. Balancing these elemental powers is the key to physical and mental health but also will empower you to manifest your desires in the multiverse.
East: Aethem (Old Norse: ond)
Aethem is the power of Spirit. It is the force of expansion. This is the gateway to the land of the Giants (Jotunheimr) and also the source of strength found in Thorr.
South: Fire
Fire is the power from Muspellsheimr. It is the force of rising. This force is related to technology. The Teutonic peoples (who later colonized USA and Canada) are the major technological force of our current age. We have used the power of Fire to take computers and other technologies to the heights they are at now.
West: Air
From the west comes the contracting force that keeps the expanding Aethem in balance. This is why in Norse Mythology the Vanir (Wind entities) are constantly at war with the Jotuns (Giants). If energy were to expand forever, the world would explode. If it contracted it would implode. People who mistake the Giants for being pure evil have not been taught the 5 elements practices.
North: Water/Ice
From the world of Niflheimr comes the primordial mist that descends into ice and then water. Water is the descending force that keeps the rising fire in balance.
Two Main Types of Energy Work
Energy work is not all hocus pocus. Thoes not interested or unable to believe in magick need only realize that the martial arts of the world and in particular of south east Asia have been practicing energy work for thousands of years, Energy work can be broken down into two main area of study. External energy work involves physical exercises and movement used in defense or offensive actions. Internal disciplines require little or no physical movement and are aimed at either making internal changes in one's being (soul,mind,etc) or in the case of the external plains, being able to break things with seemingly little force. Internal energy work can be used to transfer power to or from another individual as well.
This page will be added to once some blog posts are made on the subject
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