The Human Condition Is Illusion
Each moment of every day we are attacked by the plague that is our random and irrelevant thoughts. Constantly side tracked by our feelings, we place either negative or positive labels to them in an effort to understand our circumstances.
Society and Monotheistic religions have taught us to think in dualistic terms of this vs that. If one thing is true then its opposite must be false. Struggling to make sense of our confusion we identify with the labels we apply to situations.
Incorrectly, we assume these ideas are who we are.
If beliefs are intellectual constructs and the intellect is not the spirit or the soul, then it is safe to assume our beliefs do not define our true selves. We are not our thoughts. We are not our emotions. We are the watchers of these forms. We are the consciousness that observes these phenomenons.
Thousands of years ago the Indo-European peoples understood this true nature of reality. In many ways the northern European people understood psychology better than we do today.
The ancestors were not just mindless barbarians with no spirituality! Roman propaganda and later, the misguided motives of religious priests are responsible for the gaps in our understanding. For centuries the so called armies of God systematically destroyed every indigenous religion and culture that did not agree with their belief of their one god.
How We Lost Our Way
Before the conquest by Christianity, the Teutonic peoples of Europe had a deep respect and connection with nature and Mother Earth. This disconnect with the universe, together with the misconception that God is outside ourselves is one of the main reasons society and the world in general is in trouble today.
Reconstructing Wisdom From The Ancestors
Most people think of Celtic when native European traditions are brought up. Many books and lessons on these practices are more intellectual in nature as opposed to dealing with actual energetic scientific methods.
People wishing to connect with the wisdom of the pre-Christian European ancestors often get discouraged when they realize just how much history has been destroyed by monotheistic religions.
Many people of Teutonic descent seek out foreign practices that have not been interrupted or destroyed (ie: they have an unbroken line of historical roots) but the problem is you have to learn the languages to get the fullest benefit.
Not Just For Whites and Europeans
If you are either:
a) physically descended from any of the Teutonic peoples (also referred to a Germanic) which is generally anywhere in north-west Europe or
b) you currently speak a Germanic language (German, English, Danish,,...) then you already have a natural psychic connection to the Runes and the Germanic deities and spirits.
The Teutonic energies, deities and realms are welcome to all. Your race is not important. People that think European shamanism is a 'white's only club' should take their racist attitudes away from this site right now!
English is already an energy based language. Many seed sounds found in the Germanic languages vibrate with the original spiritual essence of the Teutonic deities. The secret of the Runes are found in this. Even the days of the week (Wodensday,Thorsday) are named after the gods!
Spelling changes and words alter over generations. What we now pronounce as Tuesday was originally Tiw's Day. So no matter how hard the Crusaders tried to destroy our culture, some elements were too powerfully embedded in our ancestors sub consciousness to eliminate entirely.
You Can Reshape Your Universe!
The good news is that you can find your personal power and reshape your world to your liking. Success is not something unattainable for you. Understanding the nature of reality and the truth of what magick really is, is the key to unlocking your Spiritual potential. Spirituality is not the same thing as Religion, The world is full of so called religious people who have no connection with their spirit or their god (or goddess) within.
This Is Not A Religious Site
No belief is necessary. I do not ask you to actually believe what I do. This site will deal in facts. We are only interested in practices that get results. You can make more money doing what you love. You can be a personal success in everything you do.
Reconstructing Wisdom From The Ancestors
Most people think of Celtic when native European traditions are brought up. Many books and lessons on these practices are more intellectual in nature as opposed to dealing with actual energetic scientific methods.
People wishing to connect with the wisdom of the pre-Christian European ancestors often get discouraged when they realize just how much history has been destroyed by monotheistic religions.
Many people of Teutonic descent seek out foreign practices that have not been interrupted or destroyed (ie: they have an unbroken line of historical roots) but the problem is you have to learn the languages to get the fullest benefit.
Not Just For Whites and Europeans
If you are either:
a) physically descended from any of the Teutonic peoples (also referred to a Germanic) which is generally anywhere in north-west Europe or
b) you currently speak a Germanic language (German, English, Danish,,...) then you already have a natural psychic connection to the Runes and the Germanic deities and spirits.
The Teutonic energies, deities and realms are welcome to all. Your race is not important. People that think European shamanism is a 'white's only club' should take their racist attitudes away from this site right now!
English is already an energy based language. Many seed sounds found in the Germanic languages vibrate with the original spiritual essence of the Teutonic deities. The secret of the Runes are found in this. Even the days of the week (Wodensday,Thorsday) are named after the gods!
Spelling changes and words alter over generations. What we now pronounce as Tuesday was originally Tiw's Day. So no matter how hard the Crusaders tried to destroy our culture, some elements were too powerfully embedded in our ancestors sub consciousness to eliminate entirely.
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