
The Pysychology of the Wizard

A wizard (wise one) is someone who takes complete responsibility for reality. Most people, both religious and non religious alike, blame others or a god for their situations in life. To a wizard each circumstance in every moment of life is understood as being a projection of ones choices and one's perspective.

A true wizard is not some sorceror conjuring up evil spirits but rather an individual wise enough to overcome his own emotional and psychological issues.

Magic gets a bad wrap because institutionilized religions do not want people to find their own inner power. They need people to rely on them as go betweens to the realm of higher consciousness. History is full of accounts about people being burned alive simply because they had powers others did not.

To a wizard or shaman the body, mind and spirit are not separate disconnected things. A wizard understands that these are inter-connected aspects of being that weave in, around and through each other in a complex weave that reaches to all dimensions of reality.

A wizard understands that reality is a projection of his or her own perceptions and the result of choices they have made up to this point. We all have things we cling to but we have a choice whether or not we allow our ideas to control us or not. For example, if  someone has a problem with something you did, it is really their own problem, not yours. Worrying about your image in their eyes is a choice that you make (but shouldn't).

A wizard understands the concept of the triad of selves. In Teutonic shamanism we have the story of Odin, Vili and Ve. Odin is divine inspiration accessed through the third eye chakra. Vili is the will and the subconscious self. Ve is the heart center which includes the mind and consciousness. The translation of Ve is the sacred space. Pre Christian Northern Europeans understood that the sacred self was actually the one that lives here on earth.

To a wizard space and time do not define reality. Space is only the perceived environment that the physical realm exists in. Time is a linear representation of forms appearing and disappearing through the birth-death-rebirth cycle. Reality is actually created out of the void of nothingness called Ginnungagap.

If a wizard wishes for something and it appears, at someone else's expense, they take it. For example if I am desperate for 5 dollars so I can get home and I do a ritual spell to attract money and then I see someone drop that five dollars and drive away, I do not chase them down and give it back because I understand that the universe (Or God, or whatever you want to call it) provided it for me and that person could afford to part with it. A wizard knows that things happen for a reason.

I am NOT saying you should steal or take something that does not belong to you. I am saying that to refuse a gift from the gods (that you asked for) is more dis-honorable. A wizard expects things to unfold as they are meant to.

A wizard knows that beliefs are impermanent and change all the time. We also understand that beliefs are nothing more than mental constructs and since they are created y the thinking mind then by their very nature they cannot be spiritual. Spiritual truth is experienced and goes far beyond words and ideas.

Your will-power alone can not overcome your difficulties. Praying or ritual or magick is not enough. A wizard understands that clear intention plus a sizable amount of energy sacrifice is also necessary for a magical working to succeed.

Worshiping God or forces above you is not a path to enlightenment for a wizard. True spiritual power is found by emulating God not worshiping. Worshiping implies that a god is outside of you. A wizard knows without any doubt that he is connected to the universe from within. Even Jesus preached in his original Gospel that The Kingdom of God is Within You. It was a group of men who corrupted Christ's teaching and implemented a monotheistic religion meant to control people.

Although there are meaningful coincidences, not everything happens for a reason.

All things have a purpose and a shaman understands that the laws of cause and effect are active in every facet of existence.

Definition of Dwarves and How They Manifest

Dwarves represent the subconscious forces of manifestation within human beings. The Lay of Allwise from the Poetic Edda is rich with subtle clues as to the nature of how dwarves work. The subconscious is activated through the navel center chakra. This is Odin's aspect of Vili in the creation myths.

This page will be added to once some blog posts are made on the subject

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