Saturday, February 4, 2012

Super Manifestor Free Ebook Download

Free Ebook Download
It's Time to Stop Struggling and Start Living the 

Abundant Magical Life You're Here to Experience!
  • 12 Manifesting Meditations on MP3 Audio that will turn you into a Manifesting Magnet!
  • The golden secret to establishing a state of unwavering self-confidence.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sigil Magick

Sigil magick is the act of using symbols to manifest realities in your life. The subconscious mind is what manifest the forms in your life. In Norse mythology this is the meaning of the Dwarves. Since the dwarves (subconscious forces) understand things as visions and images, using pictographs such as the runes has a strong impact on whether the magical works is successful or not.

Components of A Sigil Magick Spell

Intention is a key component in sigil magic. If you are not very clean on what you want, the ritual will have no success. Second, you must have a clear short statement in mind that leaves no room for mis-interpretation. For example it is not enough to say 'I wish to be happier'. You need a definitive statement such as 'I wish to overcome thoughts that are causing me to doubt my purpose in life'.

The next step is to create your sigil symbol that will remind your subconscious of what your intention is.
Once you create your talisman, focus your intention into the symbol. After your ritual is done do not think about it anymore. As you find yourself randomly  thinking about your desire just simply thank the god for their help and focus on something else. It is very important not to keep thinking about the working because your subconscious self will stop taking you seriously as it will confuse your ritual and sigil as just some other random thought like it sees in the rest of your life.

Look at your sigil as much as you can and remind yourself that the working is in progress and then continue on with your day to day activities. Also never talk about your spell to anyone else! Never!

How To Create A Sigil

METHOD 1: Base Letters

One way to create your sigil is to write your statement down and eliminate all duplicate letters. So if your statement of intent was:
My will to find a job I like
Then you would remove the following (underlined) letters:
My will to find a job I like
Leaving you with: mywiltofndajke

But this can still leave a lot of letters. The goal is to create a symbol that combines all these letters into
one symbol such as:

Method Two: Using Runes
If you understand the runes you can simply use the appropriate rune for your intention. For example you could use Fehu for wealth, or Uruz for strength and health. The runic symbols are already powerful symbols and since they have a sound attached to them you can charge their energy into your works for greater power.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

what is meditation

By letting go of the random thoughts in your mind and no longer giving weight or assigning importance to those random thought, a quiet stillness will emerge in you and you will start having a clarity about your life and its purpose. Your life will become simplified and you will become more satisfied with each moment of your existence. All that is required is a strong desire to alter your perception of reality.

Meditation practice often triggers many uncomfortable feelings. Each time you find your mind wandering away is a great opportunity to re-awaken. Many people get discourage when they catch themselves mentally wandering off. This is not necessary. In fact, each time you realize you have become distracted is indeed a new moment of enlightenment!
As you progress in your meditation practice and are able to go longer periods without being distracted, new type of distractions will appear such as itches and muscles pains or a great sense of boredom. The  physical distractions like pains and itches arise because since your mind is quieter your body communication is stronger with you. If you feel bored sitting in silence then congratulations, it is working.

Boredom is your minds way of desperately trying to engage you in random useless though patterns. Your ego feels threatened because it has had years and years of practice at thinking and all these years you gave your ego sense of self the highest form of flattery by accepting those thougts and feelings and being who you truly are.

Mediation teaches you that you are not your thoughts or feelings but rather you are the awareness of those sensations.

Thinking is not something we do, it is something that happens to us.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is the act of quieting the mind and bringing you awareness away from the normal thinking mind. Your normal thinking mind is the part of you that thinks about all the concerns in your life such as money, chores, places you need to be, people in your life, fears about the future, regrets about the past, etc..

Your concentrating mind is active when you focus on one specific task. For example when you are engaged in a physical activity or are watching a movie intensely. When in the concetration state of mind you have less concerns floating around in your head like the ones listed above, however you do get distracted every now and then and forget what you were doing or where you are.

The meditating mind is one that is so focused on one thing, such as your breath, or the sounds around you, that you are no longer thinking. Or, if you do have thoughts arise, you are not clinging to them but rather you allow them to appear, then float away into nothingness.

In regular day to day life we like to think we are in total control of our thoughts and actions but in reality we rarely are in control. You can see a nice car go by that reminds you of an experience in your youth that reminds you of a certain friend and before you even realize it you are thinking about a 4th and 5th though along the line before you realize you are no longer paying attention to the present moment and where you are.

The ultimate state of consciousness is when we are no longer concerned with our body and our ego (sense of self) and instead are feeling connected with the universe and everything around us. No longer do we feel apart and separate from the world outside of us but instead feel a real tangible connection to all things living and not living around us.

Health problems, stresses of life and all sorts of anxieties can be overcome through mediation.  By sitting in quiet contemplation many answers will come to you that you previously would never have noticed.

Types of Meditation

There are several types of meditation. There is the main, most thought of meditation called mindfulness meditation. This is when you are simply aware of all things inside and outside of you. No attachment is made to any thoughts and any distractions outside of you are simply watched or listened to without judgement. The purpose of mindfulness meditation is to be aware of the present moment and all things that appear in it.

Concentration meditation is when you are intently focused on one thing such as your breathing. You place 100 per cent of your attention into the inhale and exhale of your breath to the exclusion of all other consideration. Concentrating on the breath helps you to ignore your random thoughts. Another useful concentration meditation is in the use of sounds or chants.

Insight meditation is when you are sitting with a calm and quiet mind but you are focuses on a question or a feeling in your life. You may be sitting in silence and being interested in what kind of thoughts you seem to be distracted to and which thoughts you are able to ignore. Or you may perform insight mediation to get an answer to a specific question or circumstance in your life.

What is Meditation Not?

Concentration is not actually meditation. While concentration is helpful to quiet the mind, the act of concentrating is just another activity.

Sitting still is not meditation. Just becasu you are quiet and still does not necessarily mean you are in a state of meditation. You can be meditation while washing your dishes, as long are you are in thoughtless awareness.

Other Articles About 'What is Meditation'

 Buddhist meditation techniques and related practices can greatly reduced individuals' suffering. Here is a great post about meditation and Buddhism.

Tim Brownson has an excellent article where he dispels the misconceptions about meditation and talks about how he approaches his coaching clients about it.

Socratez Online has a good post called what Is Meditation that has an example of a good technique sitting in the sun.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Five Elements From A Norse Perspective

Reasons to list Aethem power in the east and air in the west for Teutonic shamanism.

Many traditions list west as being the direction of water and the east as the direction of the element of air. In this article we shall list look at an argument for spirit to be in the east. Further, since we have ICE in the northern traditions, water is already included in the north. It is for this reason that air could be in the west.

1) Taoism Perspectives of the Five Elements

If we reference first Taoist philosophy, yin and yang, the five elements; and their relationships to tai chi,
we learn that they view wood in the east. Wood is their version of Aethem (ON: ond) spiritual energy.
Wood energy is rising, expanding, and is the force of growth. This is also the least dense of the energy forms.

Outer circle is density order
Next in the south they have fire, which is the second least dense. Continuing to the west is listed the element Metal. Metal energy is consolidating and with inward movement, like a flower closing its petals.  This counter balance to the expanding energy in the east is in exact agreement with Norse mythologies and clearly is the Taoist version of Air (not water).

Further confirmation can be found in the fact that water is indeed in the north for a Taoist and earth in the center. So from least dense to most dense the direction is east,south,center,west,north.

note: picture does not represent directions, ie: wood looks like west in picture but it is actually east. This picture shows the direction of energy descending in density. Spirit is lightest, ice densest.

2) Hinduism Perspectives of the Five Elements

To the Hindus, the Guardians of the Directions (Sanskrit:  Dikpāla) are listed as follows:

In the East is Indra and the weapon is the thunderbolt. The thunderbolt corresponds to Thorr's hammer and the elctromagnetic energy of lightning.  The god Indra is also associated with thunder and rain.
The guardian of the west in Hindu and early Indian Buddhism traditions is Varuna. While this is clearly a water and ocean deity it is clear that it corresponds to the Vanir.

So here we have listed the Hindu pre Christian tradition that shares a common ancestry with northern Euorpeans (called Indo-European) and an eastern tradition of Taoism that also agrees that spirit (inspiration, expanding energy) is in the east. Taoism assigns air to the west, and while Hinduims does list water in the west, it's guardian is clearly a Vanir type of deity.

The Vanir Gods as Air Entities as Well as Ocean Spirits

Q So what makes the Vanir air entities? I thought they were water elementals?
There are two sources I use to justify this correspondence. One is the fact of the war between the Vanir and the Giants. The second is in the subtle clues found in the Lay of Allwise. 

One: The Vanir vs the Thurses (Giants) in the model of the nine worlds of Yggdrasil we see that Vanaheim is directly accross from Jotunheim. This illustrates that the expanding energy of the giants must be counter-balanced bythe contracting force of the Vanir gods (Air element is contracting).

Two: In the Lay of Alvis (ALLWISE the dwarf) we see that everytime Thorr asks him to say what the Vanir call an object, every answers suggests that they are Wind entities.

The Vanir call earth: the ways
Like the wind they use earth to travel directions. Being earth bound gods, the ways suggests that earth is a means to travel.

The Vanir call heaven: wind maker. This to me means that if it was not for the Aesir there would be no wind and wind is everything to the Vanir.

They call the clouds wind river (or Windblown). Wind itself is called whinnier or Neigher, as in a horse. Here we see that the Vanir see the wind as something to ride. Going further we see that the sea is called waves (again a wind reference). They called calm as Wind-Lull (end of wind).

OK I could go on and on. readers are encouraged to read the Alvismal themselves. You can find a modern English translation of the Alvismal here  and a more older style English translation here.

Water according to some northern traditional references is to the north because it is ice. To the ice age Teutonic people, ice would be the primary form of water. This leaves a void in the west where water usually is. Since Jotunheimr is in the east and giants are expansive in nature. We know that it's opposite is contracting. We know that the war between the Vanir and Jotuns is covered in mythology. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Importance of the Order of the Elder Futhark

To the beginner would be runester, the vitki first studies passive, esoteric knowledge of the runes and their meanings. Once a natural intuitive understanding is attained many people are first attracted to the divinatory uses of the runes.

To a shaman or wizard this is only the first step. Those wishing to go beyond the practical mundane use of runes for conducting a reading of current situations (divination) are encouraged to go deeper.

In divination the runes are treated as something outside of ourselves. Although we are internally connected to the rune stones, they are more like gateways to realms outside of us. In shamanic energy work or ritual magic, the wizard must become the runes.

You are the runes! The runic energies and vibrations exist inside of you. To a wizard the world is understood as a projection of our inner creations (usually subconscious).

When one starts invoking the power of the runes themselves the specific order of the runes becomes extremely important. Our ancestors did not choose these orders by accident. Odin revealed them to us in the order that was necessary for our evolution.

One need only study the three aettir of the runes and their differences in theme. Not only are the runes of the elder futhark broke down into 3 groups of 8 but each of these groups have a different general purpose to them.

The first eight from fehu to wunjo deal with aspects of the physical plane of existence. Ones needs wealth  (F),strength (U) and protection (TH) from unconscious forces (Thurses)  in order to have consciousness (A) used with purpose (R) to gain knowledge (K) and through giving and receiving (G) attain joy and harmony with the world and society (W).

Going into further detail about the rest of the runes is beyond the scope of this article. For now I will just say that the second aettir from Hagalaz to Sowilo deal with the psychological realms of emotions and thinking. The third eight deals with spiritual matters.

Example of runic orders in action

Uruz -> Thurisaz -> Ansuz

Uruz is a powerful rune for tapping into physical power. It can also make you feel healthy when you are feeling down. For the purpose of this lesson let us assume you are doing an Uruz walking meditation.

As you walk down the sidewalk you feel an intense vibration of Uruz coursing through your being. People stare at you as you strut down the street with power but you do not care. Each step you take is in sync with your heartbeat. Soon, your mind is quieted and thoughts are no longer interrupting your being, but something else happens.

At the edge of your awareness you feel a pre-conscious impulse almost as if a thought or feeling is about to happen. Recognizing these unconscious and destructive forces you turn UUUUUUUURUZ into the THTHTHTH of Thurisaz. The impulse subsides and you either:
A) safely return back to Uruz, or
B) attain true clear awareness. Instinctively you say AHHHH!

This is the pure strength of uruz allowing conscious awareness through the help of Thunor (Thorr) and the defensive authority of Thurisaz (Thorn, or Thorr's hammer). There is an ancient bind rune of sorcerers called UR-AS which combines primal uruz with ansuz but clearly we can see just why TH appears between them.

The order of the runes is a key concept in understanding the entire pattern as a whole.

Runic Opposites Are Also Keys

Ansuz <-> Sowilo

If you study a rune wheel you will notice that each rune has its opposite across the circle. Many years ago my spirit guides kept whispering SSSSSSSSSS whenever I found myself getting lost in thought. Every time I find myself making the SSSSS sound (or if I hear it) I immediately remember its opposite and once again attain pure undistracted awareness of the moment.

I highly encourage runesters to meditate on their favorite rune's opposites.